5 Ways To Avoid Trusting The Wrong Person

Avoid fake people might often seem impossible, Because you don’t really know who’s loyal and who’s not. In the book The Mistletoe Inn Kim have trusted the wrong people over and over again..


Step 1 to avoid trusting the wrong person 


If the person you are attending to trust is talking to you about other people’s business, that’s a red flag. If she/he is talking about other people to you what makes you think they won’t talk about you to other people? ..






Step 2 to avoid trusting the wrong person 

If the person you are going to trust isn’t sharing any information about themselves with you, that means they don’t trust you, which means you shouldn’t trust them either. 



Step 3 to avoid trusting the wrong person 

If you know that the person who you are going to trust have had a couple of arguments about talking about people or talking to people about others, it’s a sigh to not trust them. THEY never change.. 




Step 4 to avoid trusting the wrong person

 If the person you are about to trust keeps on asking personal questions, it means they’ve heard something from someone but they won’t tell you, unless you tell them first so you don’t know they heard from people. SO DON’T TRUST THEM. 



Step 5 to avoid trusting the wrong person 






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